دکتر علی پژوهنده(مسئول فنی)

دکتر علی پژوهنده(مسئول فنی)

سوابق تحصیلی :

دکترا : روانشناسی تربیتی

کارشناسی ارشد : روانشناسی عمومی

کارشناسی : روانشناسی بالینی

روان درمانی تحلیلی



Pajoohandeh, Ali

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist


Founder and Official manager of Ravan-Pajooh Counselling Centre from 2008 so far. Mashhad, Iran

Founder of Ravan-Pajooh Psychoanalysis School














Wood carving





Ph. D in Educational Psychology from Kharazmi University of Iran

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist from Tehran Center for Psychoanalytic Studies (TCPS)




1-Teaching Psychoanalysis in Tehran Center for Psychoanalytic Studies (TCPS) from 2018 so far.

2-Teaching Psychoanalysis in Ravan-Pajooh Psychoanalysis School from 2016 so far.

3-Running journal clubs in Psychoanalysis from 2018 so far.


Academic Achievements / Publications:

Some books and papers about parenting, Choice Theory, time and death in psychoanalysis (in Persian). 


Pajoohandeh. A. (2009).Verbal learning and Enactment: integration in verbs or nouns? Third congress of Neuropsychology- Kharazmi University. Tehran.

Pajoohandeh, A. (2020). Psychoanalytic speculations on the subjectivity of time: The prison of the present. Free Associations, (80), 97-106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1234/fa.v0i80.370.


Pajoohandeh. A. (2021a). Room. Lenny Abrahamson. Co-production Ireland-Canada-United Kingdom; Film4 Productions/Irish Film Board/ Téléfilm Canada/Filmnation Entertainment/ Element Pictures /No Trace Camping, 2015; 118 min. Free Associations. Number 83,pp. 92-97.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1234/fa.v0i83.403.


Pajoohandeh, A. (2021b) Beyond the Death Drive: A Closer Look at the Transitional Time Objects and Transitional Time Phenomena. IJP Open - Open Peer Review and Debate 8:1-24


Pajoohandeh, A. (2022a). The riddle of time and space. In International Forum of Psychoanalysis (Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 108-117). Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0803706X.2021.1957146.


Pajoohandeh. A. (2022b). Beyond the death drive: a closer look at the transitional time objects and transitional time phenomena. Journal of Sokhan-e- Siavoushan, (In Persian). (No DOI available).


Khademi, M. J & Pajoohandeh, A. (2023). Covid-19 and Transitional Time Objects. Qeios. doi:10.32388/D9NXHV.


Pajoohandeh, A. Hadi, M. & Jafari, R. (2024) A closer observation of the Pcpt-Cs. system in Freud’s thinking and its relation to time perception from a neuroscientific perspective, Neuropsychoanalysis, DOI: 10.1080/15294145.2024.2329944